Lodge Information
Hagerstown Lodge #217 consists of a diverse mix of men from all walks of the earth who come together for fellowship, charity, knowledge, fun and to become better men. We are involved in many community service activities and fundraisers to help make our communities and environment a better place to live in. We reach out to families through programs such as the MD CHIP(CHild Identification Program) and Educational Grant Program for example. We hold Golf Tournament Fundraisers to help save money for local charities and other worthy causes.
We meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the months but we take off for a few months in the summer to spend more time with our families and friends. Our meetings usually end with a delicious meal and fellowship. We have special nights where we invite the entire family and friends to come join us for festivities, food and drinks. We hold Open Installation of Officers once a year where you are welcome to come and watch the Grand Lodge Officers install the Officers of the Lodge for the new year. You can find the dates of such events under the Public Events section on the left navigation pane.
To become a Mason you need only "ask", meet the qualifications, and be accepted by a Lodge. If you are interested in joining Hagerstown Lodge #217, please fill out this little form and we will contact you ASAP.
If you are not sure which Lodge is the closest to you or if you are just interested in learning more about our fraternity, or inquiring about petitioning the fraternity, call or email the Grand Lodge of Maryland.
Phone: (410) 527-0600
Email: office@glmd.org
or visit http://www.mdmasons.org/become-a-mason/askamarylandmason
When you email, be sure to include your name, address and phone number - this is necessary that they may have someone from a Lodge near you contact you.
The Office of the Grand Secretary is open for business from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM weekdays. You can also send mail to:
Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Maryland
304 International Circle
Cockeysville, Maryland 21030-1300
Hagerstown Lodge #217
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays – 7:30 P.M.